These Rules (the “Rules”) establish the procedure, conditions, and mechanics for Users’ participation in the Leaderboard (the “Leaderboard”). By participating in the Leaderboard, the User confirms full and unconditional acceptance of these Rules.


1.1. The Leaderboard is only available to Users with a real (live) trading account. Users without a real account (demo users) do not have access to the Leaderboard. In their profile, the Leaderboard may be displayed only as a teaser (e.g., “Upgrade to a real account to participate in the Leaderboard!”). 1.2. The Leaderboard section may be located:
  • in the bottom navigation menu of the application; or
  • within the User’s external profile (at the discretion of the design team).
1.3. Upon registration (or upon first entry to the Leaderboard), if the User has no nickname, the system automatically assigns a hidden (partially masked) email or a randomly generated alphanumeric nickname. 1.4. If the User registered via Telegram and does not have an email address, they will be assigned a temporary nickname when entering the Leaderboard for the first time. Such a User may change their nickname in their profile settings (see Section 3).


2.1. To participate in the Leaderboard, a User must:
  • Have a real (live) trading account.
  • Make a first deposit into that account.
2.2. Once the first deposit is made, the User is automatically placed into their initial League and Group (see Sections 4 and 5). 2.3. The Leaderboard tracks the weekly trading turnover on the User’s real account (i.e., the total value of all opened/closed trades, as calculated by the platform’s internal algorithms). 2.4. Leaderboard results are calculated and finalized every Sunday at 23:59 UTC. After finalization, Users are automatically reassigned to Leagues and Groups according to their results.


3.1. A nickname is the username displayed in the Leaderboard. 3.2. Initial nickname assignment:
  • By default, each new User receives a partially masked email or a random alphanumeric string as a nickname.
  • The User can change their nickname in the profile settings
3.3. Nickname constraints:
  • Only Latin letters (uppercase or lowercase), digits, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_) are allowed.
  • The nickname must start with a letter (A–Z or a–z).
  • Minimum length: 5 characters.
  • Maximum length: 40 characters.
3.4. Prohibited words:
  • Any terms that imply the profile belongs to the Administration (e.g., “jetvix,” “admin,” etc.).
  • Competitor names.
  • Other words/phrases that the Administration deems inappropriate (the list may be updated).
3.5. The nickname must be unique. If a chosen nickname is already taken, the system suggests an available alternative (e.g., appending digits).


4.1. The Leaderboard is divided into Leagues. Each League contains an unlimited number of Groups operating in parallel. 4.2. Each Group can have up to 30 Users. Once a Group is full (30/30), a new Group is automatically created in the same League. 4.3. Promotion/Relegation rules at the end of each week:
  • If a Group has 30 Users:
    • The top 10 (places 1–10) move up to the next (higher) League (if there is one).
    • The bottom 10 (places 21–30) move down to the previous (lower) League (if there is one).
  • If a Group has fewer than 30 Users:
    • The top 3 move up to the next League (if there is one).
    • The bottom 3 move down to the previous League (if there is one).
4.4. The weekly results are finalized every Sunday at 23:59 UTC. After finalization, the system ranks Users and reassigns them according to the rules in Section 4.3. 4.5. Highest League: There is no higher League than the topmost League, but Users can still be relegated downward according to the same rule (either 10 or 3, depending on the Group size).


5.1. Initial distribution (at Leaderboard launch):
  • All existing Users with real accounts are placed into Groups within League #1 (or another designated “lowest League” if applicable).
  • To ensure fair competition, Users are ideally grouped by similar trading turnover so that highly active traders are not competing against inactive “ghost” accounts in the same Group.
5.2. Group formation:
  • New depositors (first-time deposit) join the last Group in the lowest League.
  • If that Group becomes full (30/30), a new Group is created.
5.3. Ranking within a League/Group is based on:
  1. Weekly trading turnover (higher turnover = higher rank).
  2. Timing of first deposit (earlier deposit = higher rank if turnover is equal).
  3. Timing of first trade (earlier trade = higher rank if the above two are equal).
5.4. Lowest League:
  • A Group in the lowest League may contain only one User (e.g., when a new User deposits and all existing Groups are full).
5.5. For information on inactive (non-trading) Users, see Section 8.


6.1. The Highest League is the topmost League; there is no League above it. 6.2. In a full Group of 30 within the Highest League, the bottom 10 (places 21–30) will be relegated to the next League. If the Group has fewer than 30 Users, the bottom 3 are relegated. 6.3. The primary incentive in the Highest League is to fight for top positions and demonstrate status.


7.1. A User is aware of the existence of other Leagues by viewing League icons or names, but cannot see specific Groups or positions of other Leagues. The User can only see details of their own League and Group.


8.1. A User is considered “inactive” if they have zero (0) trading turnover for an entire week. 8.2. During the weekly finalization (Sunday 23:59 UTC):
  • If the User did not trade during the past week (turnover = 0), they are “virtually” moved one League down (if available) but not placed into a specific Group.
  • If the inactivity continues (the next week also shows turnover = 0), the User is virtually moved yet another League down, and so on.
8.3. If an inactive User resumes trading (opens at least one trade):
  • They immediately return to the Leaderboard and are assigned to a Group in their current League (accounting for any prior virtual demotions), provided there is an available spot.
  • If all Groups are full, a new Group is created to accommodate them.
8.4. If an inactive User opens the Leaderboard interface, they will see a message such as: “Make a trade to rejoin the Leaderboard.”


9.1. Promo notification: When the Leaderboard is launched, the Administration may send a message to Users announcing its launch and briefly explaining its mechanics. 9.2. Promotion/demotion notifications:
  • After the weekly redistribution each Sunday, Users may receive notifications about moving up or down a League, or placing in the Top-3, etc.
  • Additional notifications may be sent for entering or leaving the Top-10/Top-3.
9.3. The Administration reserves the right to modify the types of notifications and how they are delivered, in line with technical and marketing needs.


10.1. The Administration does not guarantee that a User will maintain their current position in any League, as any change in trading activity (by that User or others) may result in redistribution. 10.2. The Administration reserves the right to modify these Rules at any time (including but not limited to methods of distribution, League mechanics, group capacities, and ranking criteria). The latest version of the Rules will be published in the “Leaderboard Rules” section within the platform or on the relevant webpage.


11.1. Any disputes arising in connection with participation in the Leaderboard are to be resolved by contacting the support team. The Administration’s decision on dispute matters shall be final. 11.2. Continued use of the Leaderboard after any changes to these Rules indicates acceptance of such changes. 11.3. These Rules take effect upon publication and remain in force indefinitely unless otherwise canceled or superseded by the Administration.
This document is presented as a public offer. By continuing to use the Leaderboard, the User acknowledges that they have read, understood, and fully agree with these Rules.