About Us

Why Jetvix?

Hi there! Let us briefly introduce ourselves. Jetvix is a platform created by a few like-minded people with great experience in the world’s largest fintech companies.  From the beginning, our goal was to create a product where you, the User, take center stage.

Jetvix is


inspiring traders




of turnover

We are now a large global company, but our main character is still the User. Why? Because we do care about you.

Our mission

is to make trading open and accessible to everyone, without the need for knowledge in economics or 20 years of experience.


We don't care who you are or where you come from. We believe that anyone can be successful in trading and that you don't have to spend a large part of your life learning how to do it. All you need is clear guidance and our unwavering support. We provide it all.


The world is changing and we're changing with it. We set the trends in trading. We're not afraid to reject the old and create the new. The best is yet to come, follow us to get there.


Jetvix is not about complex technical terms – we speak the same language as you do. Also, you will be able to see every action on the interface. Simplicity and transparency: these were the missing elements in trading before Jetvix came along.

With us you can conquer your mountain easier and faster. And we’ll be there for you to assist.

Have a project in mind?

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The financial operations on this site may involve risks. By using the tools and services provided here, you may incur financial losses up to a complete loss of the funds on your Jetvix account. Please evaluate the risks and consult with an independent financial advisor before making any trades. Jetvix is not responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential losses, or any other damages resulting from the user’s actions on the platform. In addition to Jetvix’s own technology solutions, some parts of its trading platform may use libraries or graphics produced by TradingView.

Jet Corp LLC Ginger Village, Belmont, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

© 2023-2024