How to Overcome the Pack Mentality When Trading

The pack mentality in trading has a lot of inertial power and makes traders follow the crowd and make investment decisions based on the actions of others, rather than conducting their own independent analysis. This often results in traders collectively moving in the same direction, buying or selling assets while being late on trend reversals.

What is the Pack or Herd Mentality?

The pack mentality is the ability to adapt to the behaviors, opinions, or actions of a larger group of traders and put aside one’s own thoughts, to shift the responsibility for one’s decision to the collective behavior and opinions of others.

This is due to the inherent human desire to seek validation from one’s own kind, and can also manifest itself in other spheres, including social behavior, consumer choices, and political processes. In trading, where the influence of fear and greed is pronounced, the herd mentality is especially widespread.

Features of the Gregarious Mentality in Trading

Traders influenced by the pack mentality tend to follow the actions of the majority, without necessarily assessing the underlying fundamentals or conducting thorough analysis. The gregarious mentality can contribute to the formation of pronounced trends and an increase in trade volumes. When a significant number of traders act in a similar way, excessive price fluctuations and overheating and then market crashes can occur.

The herd mentality can contribute to delayed market reversals. Traders can continue to follow the trend even when there are signs of changing market conditions. This delay can lead to losses for those who fail to adjust their positions in a timely manner.

It is important for individual traders to be aware of the pack mentality and its potential impact on the markets. While sometimes following market trends can be an effective strategy, blindly following the crowd without proper analysis can expose traders to unnecessary risks. Successful traders maintain a balance between staying on top of market sentiment and making decisions based on a well-thought-out and independent strategy.

Pack mentality drivers can be of the following types:

1. Social

The trader seeks to gain potential confirmation and approval by matching his actions with the decisions of a large group as a form of social proof.

2. Information

A large amount of information about trading signals, new strategies and forecasts also causes a certain dependence on the actions or decisions of other persons.

3. Psychological

A biased mindset and inability to weigh different opinions and cut off the real facts also supports a pack mentality.

4. Emotional

Messages, testimonials, and comments embellished with strong contagious emotions can also influence investment and trading decisions.

The results of the drivers’ actions can be both positive and negative. On the one hand, this promotes social cohesion and cooperation, on the other hand, it leads to irrational decision-making.

Coping Strategies

Overcoming peer pressure and herd mentality in trading is essential for making independent and informed decisions that align with your financial goals. There are a few basic strategies that can help you resist crowd influence and take a disciplined approach to trading:

Learning and self-education

Education encourages questioning primary assumptions, understanding that information can be distorted and misleading. Also, the more you learn about the market, the less dependent you are on the opinions and predictions of others. In this regard, it is recommended to take the time to study the financial markets, trading strategies, and risk management. A thorough understanding of the basics will allow you to make independent decisions based on your own analysis, rather than succumbing to the opinions of others.

Independent analysis of transactions and setting goals

The more confident a trader becomes, the less likely he is to be influenced by other people’s opinions and actions. It is recommended that you spend some time and effort expanding your knowledge and honing your trading skills. 

It is worth creating a customized trading plan that reflects your financial goals, risk tolerance, and preferred trading style. Having a well-defined plan provides a roadmap for further deals and helps resist the temptation to deviate from your strategy under external pressure.

It is important to learn how to set clear and realistic trading goals. Only by having specific and achievable goals can you focus on your individual path and not be swayed by the potential influence of other people’s trading. 

Assessment of one’s risk appetite and emotional discipline

Not only is it necessary to comprehensively assess your risk tolerance, but also to incorporate it into your trading plan. Knowing what kind of risk, he can comfortably handle saves the trader from making impulsive decisions, including under the influence of the pack mentality and especially during an unstable market situation.

The development of emotional discipline and self-control also helps. Emotional decision-making is often the result of the same herd behavior. By remaining calm and collected, a trader can resist the emotional pull of crowd action and make rational decisions based on their own analysis and risk management principles.

Take breaks and look for perspective

Continuous trading without interruptions is a factor that leads to emotional exhaustion and blurred judgment. Emotions such as fear and greed begin to emerge, which only contributes to susceptibility to following the crowd or peer pressure.

During breaks, it’s worth taking the opportunity to reflect on your trading performance and see if there are any patterns or biases that may have gone unnoticed.

Portfolio Diversification and Deal Analysis

Diversification can help protect your portfolio from the effects of herd behavior. By spreading your investments across different assets or asset classes, you reduce the risk of collective sentiment being overly influenced by a single market or security. 

It is necessary to regularly review the transactions that have taken place and the trading decisions that have been made. It’s especially helpful to identify those where you may have been pressured by peers or aligned with the consensus without doing your own analysis. Learning from past experiences can strengthen the ability to resist herd mentality in the future.


By staying true to your own analysis, risk tolerance and trading plan, it is possible to overcome both peer pressure and herd mentality, promoting a more disciplined and successful approach to trading. Even though following the crowd and popular trends can be comfortable in the moment, it would be rash to choose this strategy for the future. We hope that our review and the recommendations given in it will help to avoid irrational decisions due to the influence of follow-the-crowd behavior and mentality.